“International Safer Internet Day 2020” #CyberCorner

In the framework of the International Safe Internet Day, the National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cyber Security (NAECCS) in cooperation with the Municipality of Tirana and with the support of Raiffeisen Bank and Telekom Albania, launched the innovative #CyberCorner project at the “Hamit Beqja” library, near the Administrative Unit No. 8, Tirana.

The increasing use of the Internet by children and young people in recent times has also increased the risk posed by its unsafe use. Also, electronic communications every day are becoming an important part of all the developments of the world-wide society. Building trust in the online environment is key to economic and social development, as a lack of trust, particularly due to a perceived lack of legal certainty, makes consumers reluctant to transact online and adopt new services. .

The project aims to raise awareness of children’s safety on the Internet and train them to use e-services in the already multifunctional premises of the “Hamit Beqja” library. CyberCorner will offer children and young people opportunities for in-depth knowledge on current and sensitive topics, such as: safe internet use, coding, radicalism and violent extremism, public electronic services. Modules have been designed for each of these topics, and computer equipment has been installed, which can be interacted with during the stay in the library premises and will be organized through workshops by NAECCS experts.

In the welcoming speech, the General Director of NAECCS Mrs. Vilma Tomço emphasized that “Safer Internet Day gives us the unique opportunity to promote Internet safety, inspire children and young people to use their enthusiasm and creativity and support them to build positive experiences on the Internet. It’s inspiring to see so many different organizations and individuals come together today to build a better internet. Raising citizens’ awareness of the safe use of the Internet is a traditional commitment by the Authority in cooperation with other responsible bodies, for the education of children in the online environment. Only by working together can Government, industry, parents, schools and communities promote the advantages of the Internet, while reducing the risks that arise from it.”

The administrator of the municipal unit no. 8, Mr. Dritan Dango focused on the Municipality’s commitment to the development of multifunctional centers. To orient children and young people towards the use of these centers by bringing them close to books and technology at the same time, as a necessary tool for their education.

Director of PR and Marketing at Raiffeisen Bank Mrs. Greta Lekaj emphasized the cooperation with NAECCS, evaluating CyberCorner as an innovation in the field and an example of the social responsibility of the organization, for a quality education of the new generation. “We will continue to support such initiatives, which contribute to the education and development of students because we believe that you are the future, you are the ones who will contribute to the further development of the country”.

The representative of Telekom Albania, Mr. Verdi Norja, praised NAECCS’s innovative initiative, which fulfills Telekom’s objectives as well, for a safe online environment for children and young people. Let’s use public spaces as much as possible for awareness and education of children and young people, through information technology, for a safe internet for them!

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